Seems every time I make a presentation, someone pulls me aside to ask me what multivitamin to take. That’s a great question because it brings up the issue of nutrient depletion – why the foods we eat are not nourishing us enough. We hear wonderful things about eating fruits and vegetables, but the truth is, most are picked way before they are ripe, before Nature can finish her chemistry. And they are picked weeks before we take them home from the grocery store. Modern agriculture focuses on yields, not nutrition, so we have to supplement to get enough of the basics our body needs to maintain and repair. Here are a few of my favorite tools. I tell you why I chose them (click on the “read more”) and I share with you where to find them because most of these are not found in stores – the better products often are not found on the store shelf next to an inexpensive, well-advertised legacy brand.
pH Balancer
This is the multi. It comes as a liquid and as capsules. The liquid option can be easier to take than capsules. This multi mimics nature’s delivery system by using fulvic acid — some call it “the battery of life”— to charge the cell membrane so nutrients can get in. Covid was a wakeup call, a worldwide case of survival of the fittest. European studies showed that people who got so sick they were hospitalized were very low in basic nutrients used by the immune system including zinc, selenium, vitamins C and D. Read more to find out why I picked this multi out of the thousands of professional supplements available to me.
Not sold in stores; order at
Humic and Fulvic Plant Based Minerals
Sometimes people ask me what one supplement is my favorite. That’s a tough question, but I sure wouldn’t go through life in today’s world without extra minerals. And fulvic acid is not only a great delivery system, it is a natural detoxifier. Read more.
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Fulvic Liquid Minerals Concentrate
When I’m outside in the Southwest during the summer, I can go through a lot of water. Sweating is the best detox! However, I’m losing minerals and need to replace them. I want the full spectrum of mineral/electrolyte replacement. Read more.
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OrganiEarth – Premium Greens, Superfoods & All-in-One Daily Multivitamin & Multimineral
Don’t like to take pills? Here you go, this is easy peasy. They even put digestive enzymes, prebiotics, and probiotics in here. No glyphosate, no GMOs. Add to water, juice, or smoothies. If you eat a good Paleo diet and feel you need just a little extra backup support, look at this.
Click here to see the label.
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Lugol’s Iodine
We simply can’t live without iodine. Every cell in our body needs it. It is protective against thyroid disorders, heart disease, cancer, depression… and it’s like jet fuel to our immune system to ward off infections and disease. Funny how this one little mineral can have such a huge impact. Read more.
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There is a large school of thought that plain water is not the best way to hydrate. We NEED minerals. Back in caveman days, people drank water from streams that came out of mountains where the rocks mineralized the water. But most of today’s urban sources? Not happening. Electrolytes are minerals that carry an electrical charge, and they are key for hydration – potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, chloride and phosphorus.
Click here to see the label.
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Cardio Excel
This is perhaps the best overall supplement I’ve seen for heart patients. They even put d-ribose, arginine, NAC, acetyl-l-carnitine, and CoQ10 as Ubiquinone in here. It doesn’t have as much vitamin C as I’d like – the label says 200mg – but vitamin C can be in other supplements someone is taking. Otherwise, take extra C (see below).
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Colostrum is nature’s software that provides the operating system for our immune system. It is a natural way to heal leaky gut and keep the immune system strong. This Colostrum LD®, from grassfed cows, has liposomal delivery and science behind it. Read more.
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Vitamin C
Vitamin C is one of those things we really need but our bodies can’t make – we have to get it from food or supplements. As much as I love the idea of getting it from fruits and vegetables, much of the vitamin C is lost between the time the food is picked and we eat it. This is a non-GMO vitamin C with bioflavonoids in a liposomal delivery system so it packs punch. Read more.
Not sold in stores; order at
Wild Mountain Paleo Market
I simply do not have much of a green thumb, or whatever it is called, for making fermented foods. There are a couple of companies (in Oregon, of course) who do it really, really well. You find their creations at Wild Mountain Paleo Market, the largest on-line seller of fermented foods. To read more, click on the image to the left.

Cod Liver Oil
Carlson’s Cod Liver Oil, lemon flavor, is my choice of a supplement for the important fat-soluble vitamins A and D, as well as the omega-3s DHA and EPA. To preserve freshness, the air inside the glass bottle has been replaced with nitrogen.
I’ve noticed over the years that my colleagues report good results using this particular brand with their clients who are working to improve their health through proper nutrition.
This is easily found in health food stores. Serving size is one teaspoon for maintenance, but at least a tablespoon if you aren’t already supplementing. I always take more than a teaspoon because living in the hot Southwest, this helps keep me hydrated – oil holds in water.

Belveder Premium Cod Liver
If you want to do this the really natural way, then eat cod liver. Iceland has stricter standards than Norway. Thus, Belveder gets my vote. If at first it’s a bit, um, fishy, try making a tuna salad and eating it with the cod livers. Available on Amazon and elsewhere.
LEGAL DISCLAIMER: Information and opinions shared on this website are not a substitute for professional medical consultation, prevention, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult with your physician or healthcare provider before taking any remedies or supplements.