You don’t want to smell bad – I get it. But we don’t have to put risky products on our body either.
Antiperspirants use aluminum as the active ingredient. Aluminum forms a chemical reaction with water in sweat to plug the sweat ducts and prevent perspiration. No sweat, nothing for bacteria feed on. It’s those sweat-gobbling bacteria that are the source of smelly underarms.
Although the FDA regulates antiperspirants as over-the-counter drugs and deems them safe, aluminum has been linked to a number of health effects, including impaired mental and motor function, and bone diseases. The studies can be conflicting as to whether aluminum in antiperspirants plays a role in breast cancer and Alzheimer’s. But the argument that what we put on our skin does NOT make it into the body simply does not hold up. A 2001 study, for example, found that a one-time application of an aluminum compound commonly used in antiperspirants was detectable in blood samples for 16 days after application.1 Antiperspirants are usually made with other questionable ingredients like propylene glycol and parabens. Why risk all that when there are better alternatives out there?
Sweating is a natural body detox function. The problem comes when bacteria feed on that sweat and bad smells result.
A deodorant that just covers up the smell? Ugh. A deodorant with an essential oil that prevents bacteria from growing? Now you’re talking.
Geranium essential oil is a natural antibacterial, antimicrobial. This essential oil was used by the Egyptians to promote beautiful and radiant skin. Today, geranium oil is used to treat acne, reduce inflammation, alleviate anxiety, and as a bacteria-killer in deodorant.
I’ve tried a lot of “natural deodorants” that just didn’t work, if you get my drift. I used this deodorant one day in July when I played golf for 4-5 hours in the Arizona heat. It held up. The next weekend, I went crazy pruning for hours in the back yard. It held up. Since I found this several years ago, this has been my deodorant of choice.
There is a fragrance-free option without the bacteria-killing geranium oil. I’ve used it in the winter. It is not as strong.
I’ve had many conversations with Elizabeth and Michael Fessler of Port Ludlow, Washington who create the Herbalix products. Michael has a background in custom chemical formulations and detoxification procedures and Elizabeth worked for more than 30 years in the medical and pharmaceutical industry. They grow organic vegetables and herbs on their property. You don’t find plastic in their manufacturing equipment. Their packaging is BPA-free and recyclable. No animal testing or questionable preservatives. No nanotechnology, petroleum by products, mineral oils, SLS, parabens, phthalates, sodium benzoate, dyes, fillers, or GMOs. They know how to make a “clean” product. They recognize that what we put on our skin goes in our body and I appreciate their commitment to superb, non-toxic, really effective skin care. I learned a lot from them about how our skin actually works.
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At a cancer conference one day, Michael asked me this question: “Does your skin make cream?” Ah, no. It makes oil. Then Elizabeth handed me a bottle of “Supreme Solution-No Added Fragrance.” I put it on my dry skin and I could almost hear my cells thanking me for giving them proper nourishment – nourishment that really penetrates and has staying power.
The #1 ingredient is olive oil. It is made without binders, fillers, alcohols or emulsifiers, so it takes about 5 minutes to absorb. The next day, after my shower, I was thinking I should apply it again. Nope. My skin was still smooth and hydrated.
They make a no-fragrance and 2 other options with fragrance. (I like the clary sage.) Check them out at Remember to use the code word “apple” to get 10% off your order.

Look around their website. They have wonderful bars of soap made from goat milk, shampoos, moisturizing sticks you can carry in your purse (that was another great find for me), slaves, and gift bags. Doctors like to use their nighttime “Detox Deodorant” for increasing lymphatic flow. Parents of children on the spectrum or with allergies find the unusually “clean” formulation of their soaps most welcome.
Some health food stores carry the Herbalix products. I find it easier to order on line because I have the entire line – all the options – to choose from.
Oh, and the name Herbalix? It is pronounced Her-bah-licks. It relates to the preservative they use in their products:
“This organic preservative consists of a proprietary blend of herbs and plants harvested from the land and sea. The manufacturing process takes eight weeks to complete. Because it is such an effective natural preservative, there is no need to use any synthetic chemicals found in other preservative systems.”
Thank you Elizabeth and Michael Fessler for your commitment in this life.
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1 Flarend R, Bin T et al. A preliminary study of the dermal absorption of aluminium from antiperspirants using aluminium-26. Food and Chemical Toxicity, Feb 2001;39(2):163-168