Video Vault

Here is a fascinating interview on how Pharma is weakening the durability of the American population. Tucker Carlson listens to whistleblower Calley Means about the push to get up to 80% of Americans on Ozempic. It’s also a clearheaded take on why so much gaslighting went on during COVID. “We are a sick, depressed, infertile, population … we are spending more to manage just diabetes than the defense budget.” Also, don’t miss the viewer comments. Runs 41:30

Dr. Chris Knobbe explains why vegetable oils are causing the modern-day rise in chronic diseases. We’re talking those refined/bleached/deodorized oils that came out of factories when mainstream started telling us that animal fats like butter and lard were bad. The 4 primary vegetable oils are soy, corn, canola, and cottonseed. Factories do not make body friendly oils. Mother Nature had it right. Runs 37:47

Vegetable oils were marketed as a “heart healthy health Food.” But that claim was a lie. This presentation is from Nina Teicholz, author of “The Big Fat Surprise,” which The Economist named as the #1 science book of 2014. Nina cracked open the orthodoxy surrounding the decades long nutritional war on saturated fat. Ever had French fries fried in tallow? Those who have done the taste test said hands down, the tallow was tastier. Nina says it is also better for us. Runs 36:11 

This may be my favorite video. It is a very concise, short explanation of chemical farming and the loss of human health by Dr. Zach Bush. He is a triple board-certified physician with a great understanding of history and the human gut. When farmers started using more pesticides like glyphosate/Roundup, the plants became less nutritious, less able to feed us well. In 2012, the damage became even more evident as we came to understand the power of soil bacteria to feed the gut and prevent disease. Runs 24:55

There is a war on meat. The drumbeat sounds like this: Eating animal foods is not healthy for us or the planet. Cow farts are a climate crisis so we must cull the herds. Eat crickets instead of hamburger. Well, horsepucky say all the foodies, not to mention centuries of human history. Modern corporate farming is doing much damage, but regenerative farming is very good for the plant and us. This is a great documentary that clarifies many issues for those of us who like to eat. Runs 1:20:17

World renowned GMO expert Jeffrey Smith pioneered the information battle against genetically modified crops and their associated chemicals. Because of him, most people know that genetically modified foods and glyphosate are not healthy for us. He has now turned the spotlight on what he calls GMO 2.0, how genetically engineered bacteria and viruses set the stage for more pandemics. “Don’t Let the Genie Out of the Bottle.” Runs 15:55


Why don’t obese children lose weight even when limited to 500 calories a day? Why should weight loss efforts really be an insulin reduction effort? Why are children today getting type 2 diabetes and fatty liver disease? Dr. Robert Lustig, Emeritus Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology and a member of the Institute for Health Policy Studies at UCSF, has the answers. Runs 17:09

Food journalist Michael Moss tells us how the corporate food industry hooked us on processed food. Sophisticated use of salt, sugar, and fat hijacked our metabolism, our hormones. This is why I’ve always said it is not your fault if you are among the 80% of Americans who are overweight; the food corporate America makes is addictive. With the Covid lockdowns, we had an opportunity to break the cycle and get back to our kitchens to make real food. Did we? Moss explains. Runs 51:34

Here is Dr. Robert Lustig talking about how our culture’s sugar addiction affects both our physical health and our brain. He explains the clinical experiment his team did with school kids and how it changed their behavioral and emotional issues (for the better). Runs 20:30 

This is an oldie but goodie. This is the classic “Sugar: The Bitter Truth” video that went viral in 2010. Yes, an 1 ½ hour lecture on sugar was voluntarily watched by millions of people. It was that good. Robert H. Lustig told the truth and people were ready to hear it. Runs 1:29:34

Here is a 5-part oldie but goodie, “How to Get Fat Without Really Trying.” This was done by Peter Jennings of ABC news about 2009. Most amazing probably is that no mainstream/legacy news organization would ever let this amount of candor see the light of day now. Advertisers now dictate what is on TV news and many advertisers are makers of junk food. This is really well done. Each segment runs about 10 minutes.